Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Desutezeoid v1.7.1 Release

Desutezeoid has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Starting as just a experimental logic system that i originally developed for v5 of my maze engine (Now Rhennevad Maze). V1.7.1 Continues Desutezeoid's saga of improvement with a host of new features. the details are too much for a blog post, so here are some big ones:

Pausing, Resuming, Taking Breaks
pause menu
Like many adventure engines of old, Desutezeoid now has a proper save-state system. This is accessible from the new pause menu (ESCAPE key). the engine now also includes autosave and autoload functionality. Pause menu times are automatically calculated to extend timeout forks, and this is also exposed to the plugins through the new pause and resume calls.

Invman: items, objects, doughnuts and widgets.
Invman, SBTCVM's new inventor manager system, provides advanced item management based on ID strings called "itemids". the system provides forks to determine if the player is holding or has an item, as well as managing the player's inventory. A core object type, "actionrect", similar to an invisible box tag, is provided to streamline object actions.

Start screen, featuring a DZA script animation.
DZA: The Desutezeoid Animation System. 
As one of the most ground-breaking changes in v1.7.1, DZA allows frame-by-frame animations with looping, conditional loops, keyid manipulation and sound playback, in the form of new *.dza scripts.

Effects, Shaders and more!
Desutezeoid now also comes with a slew of special effect plugins, from Scanline emulation, to rain, to the pictured rainbow bubble effect.

In Conclusion: 
Desutezeoid is a much more capable engine than it was in the past. From save states to Shaders, v1.7.1 is a long way from Desutezeoid versions of old.
