Welcome to the world of the smallest balanced base number! If you want to learn balanced ternary, see the lessons section below!
need a calculator for balanced ternary?
perhaps try SBTCVM Mark 2's MK2-CS.py command shell program..It may be a command line utility, but it is built on the same library as the rest of SBTCVM, so it is plenty quick.
Balanced ternary and python
If you need to work with balanced ternary in python, i suggest checking out the library that actually enables SBTCVM to do such things:libbaltcalc
What about balanced ternary computers?
Well, there was the Setun, an old Russian computer. but as far as VMs on binary PCs go, there is SBTCVM, it has graphics, a menu launcher, an assembler, plenty of documentation, and several utilities. Its written in python. and is under the GNU GPL.More Links:
Balanced Ternary - WikipediaTernary Computer - Wikipedia
Setun - Wikipedia
SBTCVM Mark 2 HTML Documentation
SBTCVM Mark 2 GitHub Repository
LepVulpes' Lessons in Balanced Ternary:
note: some of these lessons may make more sense with SBTCVM Mark 2 and its command shell, MK2-CS.py (included), at the ready. (see above) A basic scientific calculator is also recommended.Lesson 1 - Basics
Lesson 2 - Computing basics
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